Joseph P. DeSua
An avid Upland bird hunter and handgun enthusiast for more years than I care to count, as well as having been a certified instructor listed with the Minnesota BCA in Basic Handgun Self Defense required for a Minnesota carry permit under the 2003 MCPPA, I am also certified with the NRA in Basic Pistol, and Personal Safety. As a member of the Dakota County Gun Club, the Minneapolis Gun Club, and Minnesota Concealed Carry Reform Now I was actively involved in helping change the concealed carry laws to the shall issue Minnesota Personal Protection Act of 2003, by giving testimony before both House and Senate committees on numerous occasions. I have had the privilege of being profiled in Concealed Carry Magazine's September/October 2004 issue. I remain an activist for our Second Amendment rights.
I am also certified by the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification as a Concealed Firearm Instructor.