These Statutes do not represent legal advice, nor a comprehensive listing of all statutes regarding any subject, merely a resource listing.
Consult an attorney versed in self defense if you do not understand any aspect or statute and it's impact on self defense.
Minnesota Statutes Chapter 624 (index)
624.714 Carrying of weapons without permit; penalties
Minnesota Statutes Chapter 609 (index) - Criminal Code
609.06 Authorized use of force
609.065 Justifiable taking of life
609.066 Authorized use of deadly force by peace officers
609.20 Manslaughter in the first degree
609.205 Manslaughter in the second degree
609.21 Criminal vehicular homicide and injury
609.221 Assault in the first degree
609.222 Assault in the second degree
609.223 Assault in the third degree
609.2231 Assault in the fourth degree
609.224 Assault in the fifth degree
609.2241 Knowing transfer of communicable disease
609.2242 Domestic assault
609.228 Great bodily harm caused by distribution of
609.475 Impersonating officer
609.66 Dangerous weapons
609.666 Negligent storage of firearms
609.662 Shooting victim; duty to render aid
609.672 Permissive inference; firearms in automobiles
609.713 Terroristic threats
624.7142 Carrying while under the influence of alcohol
or a controlled substance
624.7143 Chemical testing
624.7181 Rifles and shotguns in public places