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Pistolcraft, Inc.

Basic Personal Protection
& Handgun Self-Defense

Basic Personal Protection includes; safety, personal security, awareness, assault recognition, the physiology of fright & it's effects on performance, The basics of the law on the use of self defense, conflict avoidance, travel, Law Enforcement encounters, and much more.
Basic Handgun Self-Defense includes several combat proven methods of handgun self defense, comprehensive instruction on the legal use of deadly force, carry issues, travelling with firearms, and much more. With the police miss rate over 80%, we have found traditional shooting methods unacceptable for self defense. Most shooting is in low-light and Darkness, as are the vast majority of self-defense shootings.
We train you for the realities of self defense, not just a permit.
You will need a notebook, a handgun you are familiar with, and 100 rounds of ammunition.
This Course is 7-8 hours in length. Course Fee is $130 + Range fees.

Website designed by Oleg Volk Oleg Volk's Homepage
All contents copyright 2005, Pistolcraft, Inc.